Ayurveda | 18 Jul 2023

Nasyam: Nasal Therapy to Unlock the Gateway to Prana

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Nasyam is a therapeutic technique in Ayurveda that involves the nasal administration of medication. It is one of the Panchakarma therapies, which are aimed at detoxifying the body. The procedure begins with the application of medicated oil on the face, followed by the application of a hot towel to promote fomentation. Subsequently, Ayurvedic medicinal nasal drops are carefully instilled into each nostril. Nasyam serves as a method to deliver the medication directly through the nasal passages, allowing it to reach the affected areas effectively.

Nose – the gateway to Prana

The nose serves as the gateway for Prana, the life energy that enters the body through the breath.

Maintaining clear pathways in the head, nose, throat, and sinus cavities is crucial for the optimal functioning of the body's sensory and motor functions. Nasyam, a therapeutic procedure, plays a significant role in addressing disorders caused by imbalances in Prana that affect the higher cerebral functions. By focusing on the nose, which is in close proximity to the head and interconnected passages, nasyam offers relief from issues such as sinus congestion, migraines, headaches, and problems related to the eyes and ears.

Following the instillation of the nasal drops, the Ayurvedic physician recommends that the patient inhales the herbal medicated oil with gentle, deep breaths. If any accumulation occurs in the sinus cavities and throat, typically in the form of mucus or phlegm, it is advised to expel it by spitting it out. The procedure then progresses with gargling using an herbal decoction, which is followed by the inhalation of herbal smoke through the nose. These additional steps complement the nasyam therapy, further promoting the desired therapeutic effects.

Benefits of Nasyam

Nasyam offers a wide range of benefits that extend beyond nasal health. The procedure has been found to effectively improve stiffness in the muscles of the neck, making it beneficial for conditions such as frozen shoulders. It also addresses issues like running nose, allergic rhinitis, and facial nerve impulses. Additionally, nasyam is known to have a positive impact on mental well-being, promoting clarity of thought by alleviating tensions and decluttering the mind. The combination of physical and mental benefits makes nasyam a comprehensive therapy for holistic health.

Self-administered Nasyam or Nasal therapy

In addition to being a clinical procedure conducted under expert guidance in therapy rooms, guests at Ananda in the Himalayas are encouraged to integrate nasyam into their daily lifestyle or dinacharya. Each guest is provided with a kit in their room, which includes herbal medicated oil to be used every morning. Nutritional nasyam involves the instillation of a few drops (2 or 3) of Anutailam or ghee directly into each nostril while lying down with the head tilted back. After instilling the drops, one remains in that position for 1 or 2 minutes, allowing the benefits of nasyam to take effect. This approach allows guests to incorporate nasyam into their regular routines for ongoing wellness.

Precautions for Nasyam
• There should be a gap of at least 1 to 2 hours between meals and nasal therapy
• Avoid the intake of water, food or fruits for at least 30 minutes post nasal therapy
• Avoid drinking or eating cold beverages and food. Preferences are towards a light warm drink like a herbal tea, soups etc.
• No exposure to cold environments
• No physical exertion or exhausting activities such as dynamic Yoga, swimming, gym etc.
• Avoid sauna, steam or a massage
• Avoid overhead shower
Nasyam is best avoided during pregnancy or menstruation

Please consult your Ayurvedic physician before incorporating a self-administered routine of nasyam as a part of your dinacharya or daily lifestyle.

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