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Ananda TCM

Oriental Experiences

The Oriental healing modalities rank as few of the oldest systems of preventive healing in the world. They deduce poor health to be due to the result of blocked energy that flows through the fourteen meridians – or sections – of the body. Intensive therapies are then used to correct or balance its flow. These therapies address a wide variety of issues including chronic pain and migraines, immune enhancement, disease prevention, dependence on medicines, anxiety, depression, health maintenance and rehabilitation. The treatment modality includes use of five basic methods of diagnosis in the initial assessments: inspection (looking), auscultation (listening), olfaction (smelling), inquiry (asking), and palpation (touching).

Treatments like Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Cupping and Herbal Application will now be integrated with other holistic therapies by renowned holistic expert, Dr. Jitender Uniyal. With twenty years of experience, Dr Uniyal is one of India’s foremost specialists in alternative healing. A doctor and professor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, he brings with him a diverse range of experiences and has worked extensively in Europe, Canada, Sri Lanka and India.
Ananda Spa