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Йога в Ananda Spa

Гармонизация тела, разума и духа

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In the Infinity of Life, take time out for the Soul

Ananda, отмеченный многочисленными наградами спа-курорт класса люкс, расположен у подножия Гималаев на севере Индии, на холме над легендарным городом Ришикеш и священной рекой Ганг. Уникальный дворец Махараджи занимает территорию в 100 акров и окружен невероятными саловыми лесами.

Ananda, одно из самых роскошных мест в мире для уединения и восстановления, объединяет в себе традиционные практики аюрведы, Йоги и Веданты с оздоровительными процедурами и практиками со всего мира, фитнесом и здоровой органической кухней для восстановления энергетического баланса и общей гармонизации.

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Emotional Healing

Emotional healing at Ananda focuses on challenges and recurring patterns from a deeper level of awareness and release of emotional blockages critical for personal growth. Spiritual Psychology, Hypnosis, Regression, Inner Child Healing, and Energy therapies are used to heal stress, release blockages, and live in alignment with one's potential. Leaving more complete and connected with themselves, tools are provided to continue emotional healing in daily life.
Ananda Pillars Spiritual Awareness

Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awareness is the process of discovering our true self, the connection to a higher purpose and a search for meaning in life. Ananda offers different paths to enlighten oneself- explore ancient Vedanta philosophies, higher states of meditation and chanting, self-study (swadhyaya), and spiritual practice (sadhana) for a fulfilling spiritual journey.
Ananda Pillars Ayurveda Holistic

Ayurveda & Holistic Wellness

Ayurveda, a healing science dating back 5000 years, emphasises the need to cleanse, rejuvenate, and revitalise the body and mind. Our approach includes detoxifying therapies, specialized diets, and traditional treatments using herbal supplements and authentic ingredients. With expert guidance from leading Ayurvedic doctors and therapists trained in traditional schools, the Ayurvedic experience at Ananda is truly transformational.
Ananda Pillars Healthy Cuisine

Healthy Cuisine

Ayurveda, a healing science dating back 5000 years, emphasises the need to cleanse, rejuvenate, and revitalise the body and mind. Our approach includes detoxifying therapies, specialized diets, and traditional treatments using herbal supplements and authentic ingredients. With expert guidance from leading Ayurvedic doctors and therapists trained in traditional schools, the Ayurvedic experience at Ananda is truly transformational.
Ananda Pillars Yoga Meditation

Yoga & Meditation

Yoga and Meditation at Ananda is a traditional practice that helps balance and harmonize the body, mind, and spirit through classical Hatha and Raja Yoga systems. Asana (movement), pranayama (breathwork), mudra (energy seals), bandha(energy locks), shatkarmas ( yogic cleansing), and meditation lead to a higher level of consciousness. Personalized guidance aims to incorporate Yoga and Meditation into everyday life.
A Journey of Wellness Guided by our team of Ayurvedic, Yogic and International Health Experts
From renowned Ayurvedic Doctors with lineage of multigenerational family practitioners to Yoga and Meditation gurus from the traditional Bihar School of Yoga to expert Chefs trained in world cuisine and Ayurvedic principles of healthy eating, Ananda's wellness experts bring decades of expertise and passion for curating transformational journeys.
Malati Mehrish 3
Dr Roma
From our guests
Stories of transformations...
Ananda Night
Everything about heavenly Ananda was so restorative it created a real high. You have created something very unique and special. Derek Dacey
Ananda Views
Thank you for a week of healing and bliss! Even in the monsoon, a most magical place in this world! Uma Thurman
Ananda View Rishikesh Night
Unbelievably serene, relaxing and yet invigorating. Ratan Tata
Ananda Palace Night
Thank you very much for a great experience. It is a beautiful place and everybody who works here is so friendly and kind... we loved it. Edward Norton
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Spirituality blended with comfort and luxury. Tranquility floats in the air of the property. Experience the world’s best massage and a unique food menu with sumptuous dishes. A real heavenly experience on “devabhoomi.” Dr Sanjeev Garg
Ananda Pavillion Music 1
Going to Ananda is more like a pilgrimage than a visit, with every moment designed to cultivate presence. But the real gift is the opportunity to come back to self, to the centered space that abides within us all. Oprah Winfrey
Ananda Spa